McLachlaDrilling            Company                 

Solids Control Systems

The McLachlan dewatering and barite recovery units are mobile, efficient and environmentally efficient.  During the 30 years in the oil and gas drilling business, McLachlan Drilling developed a closed loop fluid recovery system based on optimum operating efficiency.  These units are designed to provide any drilling rig with a dewatering or barite recovery system that provides overall efficient rig operations, saving time, money and the environment.

Dewatering Unit #3

Using the McLachlan System:

*compact highly mobile units

*work with any drilling system

*saves time

*saves money

*reduces downtime

*reduces time on the job

*reduces rig up costs

*can provide longer equipment life

*less formation damage

*clean fluids for operator

*immediate removal of dry material to 


*eliminate need for reserve pits

Click to Replace
The Crew
For further information contact McLachlan Drilling Co at 231-734-2158

McLachlan Drilling Company

815 W. 7th

Evart, MI   49631

231-734-2158 office

231-734-2199 fax

231-633-9999 Jim mobile